What is Revival?
When we hear the word revival, many Christians think about an evangelistic campaign where the good news about Jesus is preached and people are invited to receive him as Savior. Some believers envision revival meetings where miraculous signs like healings occur. There is some truth in both of these expectations. However, when Elijah met God on Mount Horeb, God wasn’t in the wind, an earthquake, or fire, but in a still, small voice of inner guidance (1 Kings 19:9-13). The one key indicator of true revival is when individuals experience a heart transformation resulting in a deeper relationship with Jesus. This can be demonstrated by repentance from sin and a desire to obey God's commands (John 14:15-17). Susan A. Massey, Revivalist equips Christians to be first responders on the front line of personal revival.

Who are the Christian First Responders?
First responders are heroes. They put themselves in danger to save others. Christian first responders are disciples who lay down our lives in sacrifice to rescue people bound by sin (Luke 9:23-24). A Christian first responder may be the initial—or only—person God sends into a situation of spiritual need. We may observe, listen, and assess the deep internal crisis of the people we serve, and help them connect to the Savior who can transform them. We speak the truth and carry the good news of Jesus as the source of spiritual rescue for individuals, churches, culture, and country. We believe the spark of revival in our nation must first start inside each one of us.
First responders are not created overnight. A first responder must develop the motivation to serve, complete intensive training, learn to trust a team, choose to obey our superior’s commands, develop compassion, and choose to transition from a focus on self to saving others. The Run Toward the Fire blog is dedicated to providing heroes with the tools to represent Jesus to others in need.
Where is the Front Line?
First responders who arrive first on the scene of a crisis are on the front line. For example, front-line responders assess the situation, set priorities, and apply life-saving techniques. Front-line wildfire fighters may establish a fire line to contain the fire and protect property, evacuate threatened areas, and call for backup resources. Front-line police may set up a perimeter of safety for others, bring a volatile situation under control, or capture a perpetrator to stop further damage. Front-line emergency medical personnel may triage victims to determine needs, stabilize their condition, or establish a plan of rescue. Christian first responders are on the front line of revival, the juncture where Holy Spirit meets the world through the human vessels who carry on his work. The front line of revival is wherever God sends us to serve others.